Issue 3 of Gwydir Flows and Warrego Flows out now
Monday, 14 November, 2016
The third issue of our Warrego Flows and Gwydir Flows newsletters are now out. This edition highlights the vegetation we are monitoring out on the floodplain and in the wetlands. We look at the benefits that the vegetation has on the broader ecology and some of the coping mechanisms the plants use to survive the sometimes harsh environment – periods of wet and dry, high salinity etc. We also have or usual Meet the Team section.
These newsletters are an important component to our LTIM (Long Term Intervention Monitoring) of Commonwealth environmental flows in the Gwydir and Junction of the Warrego and Darling rivers Selected Areas. These projects are part of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office’s $30m broader LTIM Project. The LTIM Project aims to monitor the ecological outcomes of Commonwealth environmental water use at seven areas across the Murray-Darling Basin, to evaluate the contribution of environmental water to achieving the objectives of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. This project is the largest broad-scale monitoring of environmental flow outcomes in the world.
Recent issues:
Issue 3
Previous issues:
Issue 2
Issue 1